¿Cuál es tu sitio preferido para perderte? ¿Dónde te irías ahora mismo de vacaciones? Te proponemos dejarte llevar unos instantes.
What is your favorite place to get lost? Where would you go on holiday right now?
Tenemos algunas ideas que queremos compartir contigo. Son lugares maravillosos en los que desconectar y recargarte de energía. Algunos de ellos son ya conocidos como los destinos gypset más top. Pero nosotros tenemos algunos otros que añadir a esta lista. ¿Nos acompañas?
We have some ideas to share with you. They are wonderful places to switch off and recharge energy. Some of them are known as top gypset destinations. But we have some others to add to this list. Do you want to come with us?
What is your favorite place to get lost? Where would you go on holiday right now?
Tenemos algunas ideas que queremos compartir contigo. Son lugares maravillosos en los que desconectar y recargarte de energía. Algunos de ellos son ya conocidos como los destinos gypset más top. Pero nosotros tenemos algunos otros que añadir a esta lista. ¿Nos acompañas?
We have some ideas to share with you. They are wonderful places to switch off and recharge energy. Some of them are known as top gypset destinations. But we have some others to add to this list. Do you want to come with us?
#1 Todos Santos, México
Este oasis surge en medio de una desértica península. Este Pueblo Mágico, además de una increíble exuberancia vegetal, tiene otros muchos encantos como la belleza de las playas cercanas (¡perfectas para el surf!), su comunidad artística, sus hoteles pequeños con excelente servicio y una sorprendente oferta gastronómica.
This is an oasis in the middle of a desert peninsula. This magical town, with incredible lush vegetation, also has many other charms, such as beautiful nearby beaches (perfect for surfing!), an artistic community, small hotels with excellent service, and outstanding cuisine.
This is an oasis in the middle of a desert peninsula. This magical town, with incredible lush vegetation, also has many other charms, such as beautiful nearby beaches (perfect for surfing!), an artistic community, small hotels with excellent service, and outstanding cuisine.
- Location: La Paz, Estado de Baja California Sur, México.
- Best time to go: The country’s great climate means that almost any time of year is good to go, but keep in mind that June to September is hurricane season.
- Pack: Swimsuit, ropa ligera, sandalias y ganas de disfrutar.
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#2 Byron Bay, Australia
Byron Bay no es una ciudad, es una forma de ser. Todo el mundo en Byron Bay disfruta de la naturaleza, la cultura y la buena compañía.
Byron Bay is not a city, it is a way of life. Everyone in Byron Bay enjoys nature, culture and good company.
Byron Bay is not a city, it is a way of life. Everyone in Byron Bay enjoys nature, culture and good company.
- Location: Northeastern New South Wales, Australia.
- Best time to go: Mar-Apr; Jun-Nov for whale watching.
- Ideal time commitment: One week.
- Pack: Swimsuit, walking shoes, an open mind.
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#3 Aeolian Islands, Italy
Known for their beautiful coastlines, active volcanoes, delicious cuisine, wine and a fascinating history, the Aeolian Islands are an unbeatable destination.
- Location: 25-50km north of Sicily, Italy
- Best time to go: May, June or September, you should enjoy fine weather and glorious views without the crowds.
- Ideal time commitment: relaxed week or fortnight.
- Pack: Swimsuit, walking shoes, an open mind.
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#4 Formentera, Spain
Formentera es una de las pocas muestras salvajes que aún quedan en las islas Baleares. Ofrece más de 20 km de playas de arena blanca y aguas transparentes, es un destino fascinante para perderse.Formentera is one of the few remaining areas of wilderness in the Balearic islands. It offers over 20 km of white sandy beaches and clear waters, it is a fascinating destination to get lost.
- Location: Islas Baleares, Spain.
- Best time to go: May-Sept.
- Pack: Swimsuit, walking shoes, an open mind.
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#5 Tarifa, Spain
Conocida por su buen rollo y el surf. Su ubicación en la punta de la Península le da un clima y una personalidad diferente al resto de Andalucía. Sus vientos atraen a surfers, windsurfers y kiteboarders. Y su cercanía a Marruecos le imprimen un carácter diferente.Known for its good vibes and surf. Its location on the tip of the Peninsula offers a different climate and personality compared to the rest of Andalusia. Its winds attract surfers, windsurfers and kiteboarders. And its proximity to Morocco also gives it a different character.
- Location: Cádiz, Andalucía, Spain.
- Best time to go: Apr-Oct.
- Ideal time commitment: One week.
- Pack: Swimsuit, walking shoes, an open mind.
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#6 Hvar, Croatia
La lavanda, el romero, y los bosques vírgenes le da una tonalidad violeta a toda esta isla de arena blanca. Convertida en una isla de moda donde muchos pasean por sus cristalinas aguas mediterráneas.Lavender, rosemary and virgin forests give a violet colour to this white sand island. A trendy place where most people enjoy a walk through the crystal clear Mediterranean water.
- Location: Adriático, Dalmacia Central Region, Croacia.
- Best time to go: April-June & September-October.
- Ideal time commitment: One week.
- Pack: Swimsuit, walking shoes, an open mind.
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#7 Montauk, New York
Es la isla más grande y antigua en Estados Unidos. Una gran masa de agua, conocida como la Bahía Peconic, divide el extremo oriental formando dos penínsulas estrechas, conocidas como los tenedores.It is the oldest and largest island in the United States. A large body of water, known as the Peconic Bay, splits the eastern end forming two narrow peninsulas, known as the two forks.
- Location: condado de Suffolk, New York. United States.
- Best time to go: May-June. September-October.
- Pack: Swimsuit, walking shoes, an open mind.
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¿Has tenido la suerte de visitar alguno de estos destinos? Si te decides por alguno de ellos, no olvides meter en la maleta una buena selección de modelos para lucir mejor que nunca. Te aconsejamos que visites nuestra tienda online y eches un vistazo a los que te proponemos. Un bolso de viaje, un bolso grande, uno más étnico, uno pequeño y cómodo, unas sandalias para combinar, unas botitas para los looks más sofisticados, algo de bisutería...
Have you been lucky enough to visit any of these destinations? If you decide on any of them, don't forget to pack a good selection of models to look better than ever. We recommend you visit our online shop and take a look at our proposals. A travel bag, a big bag, one more ethnic, one small and convenient, combining sandals, booties for sophisticated looks, some jewelry ...

And all of this, why? Because life is beautiful and we want to enjoy it to the fullest.
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