You do not need a reason to travel to the City of Light. No doubt about it. And, of course, the Paris Fashion Week is a good excuse to do so. There is still time. Have you visited Paris? Do you know the city? If you plan to go, we suggest some places you should not miss...
#1 To walk around
St. Germain
Elegante y glamuroso. El barrio está lleno de cafés, edificios del siglo XVII, tiendas de moda y galerías de arte. Es uno de los centros intelectuales de París. Aquí, la ciudad vibra al son del jazz de los años 50, y fue punto de encuentro de artistas, músicos y autores. Hoy en día, la vida de este barrio sigue en plena efervescencia y llena de energía. Para moverte por el barrio las paradas de metro que mejor te vienen son las de Saint Germain des Pres, Saint Sulpice y Odeon.Elegant and glamorous. Surrounded by cafes, XVII century buildings, boutiques and art galleries. This neighborhood is one of the Paris intellectual centres. Here, the city vibrates to the sound of jazz in the 50s, and was a meeting place for artists, musicians and authors. Today, the life of this neighborhood is still in full swing and full of energy. To get around the neighborhood subway stops are the best you come to Saint Germain des Pres, Saint Sulpice and Odeon.
Le Marais
Caminar por sus callejuelas te transportan a otra época con sus tiendas vintage, sus galerías, braseries, palacetes, museos… Algunos comercios conservan sus fachadas originales y llama la atención como una antigua ‘boulangerie’ (panadería) alberga una moderna tienda multimarca.
A walk along the left bank of the Seine from the Eiffel Tower to the undulating Passerelle Simone de Beauvoir, an enclave you will become art district. It is close to La Bastille.
Walking through its streets you back to another era with its vintage shops, galleries, braseries, mansions, museums ... Some merchants original facades and attention as a former 'boulangerie' (bakery) has a modern multi-brand store.
Contemporary unique pieces, limited edition and exceptional items (design, contemporary art and fashion). 1 rue de Furstenberg. Mon / Sat 10:00 / 19:00

Presents the best of 50’s designers. Just for the pleasure of looking. 18 & 33 rue de Seine. Tue / Sat 10:30 / 13:00 & 14:00 / 19:00
Keep looking, you're bound to find something worthwhile.A more manageable size than its Clignancourt cousin, the Vanves marchés aux puces is also a little less expensive. Like all flea markets, there’s plenty of trash among the treasures, but it’s French trash.
The Flea Market at Porte de Vanves, Avenue Marc Sangnier, 14th arrondissement; Saturday-Sunday, 7 a.m.-2 p.m.

Podrás encontrar cualquier cosa, desde vintage y ropa moderna a antigüedades, muebles, libros o incluso una batería vieja o teléfono móvil. Realmente es un tesoro: viejos baúles Vuitton, relojes de bronce dorado, joyería de la jet set de 1930, o muebles de época se sientan codo con codo.
You can find anything from top notch vintage and modern clothing to antiques, furniture, books and even the odd old battery or stolen mobile phone. It really is a treasure trove: old Vuitton trunks, ormolu clocks, 1930s jet jewelery, and vintage garden furniture sit cheek by jowl.
Japanese noodle restaurant to fall by terre. Street Villedo 1. 75001 Paris. Neighborhoods: Palais Royal / Musée du Louvre, the first.
Maravilloso restaurante de comida. Muy sencillo, muy francés y bastante barato.
Wonderful meat restaurant. It's very simple, very french and quite cheap.
5 rue Charles-François-Dupuis. 75003 Paris. Neighborhoods: Marais Nord, 3ème
Deberías visitar esta taquería. Impresionantemente buena. La comida es maravillosa.
You might enjoy this taqueria. It's awesomely good. Food is divine.
A walk along the left bank of the Seine from the Eiffel Tower to the undulating Passerelle Simone de Beauvoir, an enclave you will become art district. It is close to La Bastille.
Walking through its streets you back to another era with its vintage shops, galleries, braseries, mansions, museums ... Some merchants original facades and attention as a former 'boulangerie' (bakery) has a modern multi-brand store.
#2 Shopping, Antiques & Decoration
St. Germain
Shakespeare and Co.
37 Rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris
Pierre Hermé
72 Rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris
Les Ginettes
4 Rue du Sabot, 75006 Paris
Jean-Charles de Castelbajac
El aristócrata y diseñador de moda, Jean-Charles de Castelbajac, tiene una nueva boutique en St.-Germain (61, rue des St.-Pères) donde la inspiración de la moda viene de los lugares más inesperados, como 'Paradise Los' o el Pato Donald.
The aristocrat fashion designer Jean-Charles de Castelbajac has a new boutique in St.-Germain (61, rue des St.-Pères) where fashion inspiration comes from unexpected places, like 'Paradise Los' and Donald Duck.
The aristocrat fashion designer Jean-Charles de Castelbajac has a new boutique in St.-Germain (61, rue des St.-Pères) where fashion inspiration comes from unexpected places, like 'Paradise Los' and Donald Duck.
Fromagerie Laurent Dubois
Esta tienda acogedora queso es el lugar para ir de Comtes de la leche cruda, con edades en una red de bodegas a continuación, algunos de hasta 36 meses.Pruébelo antes de ir a casa, que es ilegal en los EE.UU. 47 Ter Boulevard. St.-Germain.
This cozy cheese shop is the place to go Comtes of raw milk, aged in a network of cellars below, some up to 36 meses.Pruébelo before going home, which is illegal in the U.S. 47 Ter Boulevard. St.-Germain.
This cozy cheese shop is the place to go Comtes of raw milk, aged in a network of cellars below, some up to 36 meses.Pruébelo before going home, which is illegal in the U.S. 47 Ter Boulevard. St.-Germain.
Arty Dandy Design
Piezas únicas contemporáneas, de edición limitada y artículos excepcionales (diseño, arte y moda contemporánea). 1 Rue de Furstenberg. Lun / Sáb 10:00 / 19:00Contemporary unique pieces, limited edition and exceptional items (design, contemporary art and fashion). 1 rue de Furstenberg. Mon / Sat 10:00 / 19:00
Galerie Downtown Gallery
Lo mejor de los diseñadores de los años 50. Sólo por el placer de ver. 18 y 33 rue de Seine. Mar / Sab 10:30 / 13:00 y 14:00 / 19:00Presents the best of 50’s designers. Just for the pleasure of looking. 18 & 33 rue de Seine. Tue / Sat 10:30 / 13:00 & 14:00 / 19:00
Maison Caravane Home Design
Mobiliario étnico y chic, accesorios, vajilla y textiles. 9 rue Jacob.
Famous ethnic and chic furnitures, accessories, tableware and textiles. 9 rue Jacob
In this oldest district, you can hit cobblestones streets for hours... And discover new young fashion designers, unusual stores, vintage corners and the entire new French fashion scene. So grab a loaded wallet, good shoes and let’s shop!
From stone washed to laser cut, The reference of blue jeans. Who says it was American? 20 rue Malher Mon/Sat 11:00/19:00 - Sun 14:00/19:00
A combination clothing boutique and art gallery.
Only famous brands in this tiny store. If lucky you can have a Louboutin or Hermes for more than half price! 2 rue du Roi de Sicile Tue/ Sat 11:00/19:00 - Sun 14:00/19:00
Le Marais
En este barrio más antiguo, que puede golpear las calles de adoquines de horas ... Y descubrir nuevos jóvenes diseñadores de moda, tiendas inusuales, rincones vintage y toda la nueva escena de la moda francesa. Así que coge una billetera cargada, buen calzado y una tienda que vamos!In this oldest district, you can hit cobblestones streets for hours... And discover new young fashion designers, unusual stores, vintage corners and the entire new French fashion scene. So grab a loaded wallet, good shoes and let’s shop!
Parfums et Senteurs du Pays Basque
Esta perfumería bio está situada en la plaza más antigua de París, plaza de Vosges, donde se encuentra la casa en la que vivió Victor Hugo y escribió ‘Los Miserables’.
This perfume bio is situated in the oldest square in Paris, Place des Vosges, where is the house where Victor Hugo lived and wrote 'Les Miserables'.
This perfume bio is situated in the oldest square in Paris, Place des Vosges, where is the house where Victor Hugo lived and wrote 'Les Miserables'.
Marithe et Francois Girbaud Fashion
Lavados a la piedra o de corte láser, un referente de los pantalones vaqueros. ¿Quién dijo que eran estadounidenses? 20 rue Malher. Lun / Vie 11:00 / 19:00 - Domingo 14:00 / 19:00From stone washed to laser cut, The reference of blue jeans. Who says it was American? 20 rue Malher Mon/Sat 11:00/19:00 - Sun 14:00/19:00
Tabio Socks & Tights
¡Los calcetines y medias con más glamour! Hechos en Japón, con los mejores diseños y la mejor calidad para los pies más cómodos. Un servicio de bordado personaliza los calcetines que compras (¡una buena idea de regalo!) 15 rue Vieille du Temple Lun / Vie 11:30 / 20:00 - Domingo 12:00 / 20:00
Here Socks and tights could be glamourous ! Made in Japan, nice design, best quality for comfortable feet. An embroidery service customizes socks you buy (nice gift idea !)15 rue Vieille du Temple Mon/Sat 11:30/20:00 - Sun 12:00/20:00
Here Socks and tights could be glamourous ! Made in Japan, nice design, best quality for comfortable feet. An embroidery service customizes socks you buy (nice gift idea !)15 rue Vieille du Temple Mon/Sat 11:30/20:00 - Sun 12:00/20:00
Cire Trudon
Si te gustan las velas, Cire Trudon, 78 rue de Seine. Un sitio lleno de curiosidades con, quizás, las mejores velas perfumadas en el mundo (¡la planta baja es mágica!)
If you like candles, Cire Trudon, 78 rue de seine. The place is a real cabinet of curiosities (go downstairs, it's magical!) and perhaps the best perfumed candles in the world.
If you like candles, Cire Trudon, 78 rue de seine. The place is a real cabinet of curiosities (go downstairs, it's magical!) and perhaps the best perfumed candles in the world.
#3 Vintage
16 rue la Vieuville. 75018 Paris. Neighborhoods: Montmartre, 18ème. Una combinación boutique de ropa y galería de arte.A combination clothing boutique and art gallery.
The Marais
Vintage Desire
Very well known! 32 rue des Rosiers. Daily 11:00/21:00
Sólo encontrarás marcas famosas en esta pequeña tienda. Si tienes suerte puede tener una Louboutin o Hermes por la mitad de precio! 2 rue du Roi de Sicile mar / vie 11:00 / 19:00 - Domingo 14:00 / 19:00Only famous brands in this tiny store. If lucky you can have a Louboutin or Hermes for more than half price! 2 rue du Roi de Sicile Tue/ Sat 11:00/19:00 - Sun 14:00/19:00
Free 'P' Star
Vintage and Thrift. 8 rue Ste-Croix-de-la-Bretonnerie 4e. Opening hours: noon-11pm Mon-Sat; 2-10pm SunPlus Que Parfait
Vintage and Thrift. 23 rue des Blancs Manteaux 4e Paris. Opening hours: 3-8pm Mon; noon-8pm Tue-Sat; 3-7pm Sun. Clothes deposit Mon-FriBis, boutique solidaire
7 boulevard du Temple 3e. Opening hours: du mardi au samedi de 10h à 19h
Mon Amour
Vintage and Thrift. 77 rue Charlot 3e. Opening hours: Du lundi au vendredi de midi à 19h30, samedi de midi à 20h#4 Street Markets
The Flea Market at Porte de Vanves
Sigue buscando, estás obligado a encontrar algo que valga la pena... Tiene un tamaño más manejable que su primo Clignancourt y también es un poco menos caro. Al igual que en todos los mercados, hay un montón de tesoros entre toda la 'basura', pero es 'basura' francesa....
Keep looking, you're bound to find something worthwhile.A more manageable size than its Clignancourt cousin, the Vanves marchés aux puces is also a little less expensive. Like all flea markets, there’s plenty of trash among the treasures, but it’s French trash.
The Flea Market at Porte de Vanves, Avenue Marc Sangnier, 14th arrondissement; Saturday-Sunday, 7 a.m.-2 p.m.
Porte de Montreuil
Fundado en el siglo XIX, este mercado está abierto sábados, domingos y hasta lunes 09 a.m.-6 p.m., y es el lugar perfecto para un paseo de fin de semana relajado.
Tiene alrededor de 50 puestos de venta de grabados, ropa, joyas y muebles antiguos. Los compradores astutos mantiene sus ojos abiertos para la ropa de alta calidad de segunda mano y diseño. Tienes que subir al metro, línea 9, hasta la estación de Porte de Montreuil.
Established in the 19th century, this Parisian flea market is now open Saturday, Sunday and even Monday from 9 am to 6 pm, and is the perfect place for a relaxed weekend stroll.
It has around 50 stalls selling a range of goodies from engravings, linen, jewelry and old furniture but the astute buyers keeps their eyes open for the high quality second hand clothes and designer seconds that it is known for. Just jump on the metro, line 9, until the Porte de Montreuil station.
Established in the 19th century, this Parisian flea market is now open Saturday, Sunday and even Monday from 9 am to 6 pm, and is the perfect place for a relaxed weekend stroll.
It has around 50 stalls selling a range of goodies from engravings, linen, jewelry and old furniture but the astute buyers keeps their eyes open for the high quality second hand clothes and designer seconds that it is known for. Just jump on the metro, line 9, until the Porte de Montreuil station.
Marché aux Puces St-Ouen
Porte de Clignancourt. 93400 Saint-OuenMarché aux Puces St-Ouen
Podrás encontrar cualquier cosa, desde vintage y ropa moderna a antigüedades, muebles, libros o incluso una batería vieja o teléfono móvil. Realmente es un tesoro: viejos baúles Vuitton, relojes de bronce dorado, joyería de la jet set de 1930, o muebles de época se sientan codo con codo.
You can find anything from top notch vintage and modern clothing to antiques, furniture, books and even the odd old battery or stolen mobile phone. It really is a treasure trove: old Vuitton trunks, ormolu clocks, 1930s jet jewelery, and vintage garden furniture sit cheek by jowl.
#5 Patisseries
Bakeries, Tea Rooms. 16 rue Royale. 75008 Paris. Neighborhoods: Concorde/Madeleine, 8ème#6 Bars, Restaurants & Clubs
Restaurante japonés de tallarines. Villedo 1. 75001 Paris. Barrios: Palais Royal / Musée du Louvre, la primera.Japanese noodle restaurant to fall by terre. Street Villedo 1. 75001 Paris. Neighborhoods: Palais Royal / Musée du Louvre, the first.
Le café Télescope
Hyper cool. 5 rue Villedo. 75001 Paris. Neighborhoods: Palais Royal/Musée du Louvre, 1erHand (Have A Nice Day)
American/French bistro. Donde encontrarás excelentes hamburguesas.
You will find the best burguers ever.
39 rue de Richelieu, 75001 Paris. Neighborhoods: Palais Royal/Musée du Louvre, 1erYou will find the best burguers ever.
L'aller retour
Wonderful meat restaurant. It's very simple, very french and quite cheap.
5 rue Charles-François-Dupuis. 75003 Paris. Neighborhoods: Marais Nord, 3ème
La candelaria
You might enjoy this taqueria. It's awesomely good. Food is divine.
52 rue de Saintonge. 75003 Paris. Neighborhoods: Marais Nord, 3ème
Old cantina with beautiful pork meat.
62 rue de Seine. 75006 Paris. Neighborhoods: Saint-Germain-Des-Prés, 6ème
The food here is the proof of the existence of god. A very "daring" chef. Good luck for the reservation. It's always full, 1 month in advance.
5-6 rue du Nil. 75002 Paris. Neighborhoods: Grands Boulevards/Sentier, Etienne Marcel/Montorgueil, 2ème
One of the most beautiful night place in Paris.
34 rue Duperré. 75009 Paris. Neighborhoods: Pigalle, 9ème
The place to be while the fashion week. While waiting for the club's opening, cool terrace at Le mansart, 2 steps away.
Da rosa
Antigua cantina con excelente carne de cerdo.Old cantina with beautiful pork meat.
62 rue de Seine. 75006 Paris. Neighborhoods: Saint-Germain-Des-Prés, 6ème
La comida aquí es la prueba de que dios existe. Chef muy atrevido. Buena suerte con la reserva. Siempre está lleno, probar con un mes de antelación.The food here is the proof of the existence of god. A very "daring" chef. Good luck for the reservation. It's always full, 1 month in advance.
5-6 rue du Nil. 75002 Paris. Neighborhoods: Grands Boulevards/Sentier, Etienne Marcel/Montorgueil, 2ème
Uno de los sitios más bonitos de la noche parisina.One of the most beautiful night place in Paris.
34 rue Duperré. 75009 Paris. Neighborhoods: Pigalle, 9ème
Le mansart
El sitio perfecto durante la semana de la moda. Mientras espera que abra el club, hay una terraza muy de moda a sólo dos pasos.The place to be while the fashion week. While waiting for the club's opening, cool terrace at Le mansart, 2 steps away.
1 rue Mansart. 75009 Paris. Neighborhoods: Saint-Georges, 9ème
Estas son nuestras sugerencias de París, ¿tienes alguna que añadir? Nosotros un bolso y unas botas para recorrer la ciudad: MEMPHIS Snake boots & MARLENNE Mini.
These are our Paris suggestions, have you got any other to add? We have something: a bag and a pair of boots to walk around the city: MEMPHIS Snake boots & MARLENNE Mini.
These are our Paris suggestions, have you got any other to add? We have something: a bag and a pair of boots to walk around the city: MEMPHIS Snake boots & MARLENNE Mini.
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